Types of Benign Brain Tumor
Benign brain tumors are often misinterpreted at their early onset. This is because there are different types of benign brain tumors, with most of them presenting with common symptoms like headache, fever, and tingling in the ear. Learn about the different types in this article.
Written By

Oluoma Vivian AnekeHuman Anatomist
Reviewed By

Grace EnehMedical Doctor (MBBS) | Consultant Neurologist

Key takeaways
- Benign tumors are tumors that are not cancerous, meaning they don't spread to other body parts. When a benign tumor occurs in the brain, it is called a benign brain tumor.
- There are different types of benign brain tumors, including meningiomas, choroid plexus papillomas, and hemangioblastomas. They differ based on their characteristics and locations.
- Health experts are unsure of the exact causes of benign brain tumors. But factors like genetic conditions and being an older adult can increase the risk.
In a previous article, SemicHealth covered the different types of benign tumors, their causes, and where they are often located. In this article, we will cover the different types of benign brain tumors, their causes, symptoms, and treatment.
Benign brain tumors are non-cancerous tumors found in the brain. Like most benign tumors, benign brain tumors grow slowly, going undetected for a long time. This is one major feature that differentiates benign tumors from malignant tumors.
Benign brain tumors do not spread in the brain; they often stay localized. Most times, when the tumors are completely removed during surgery, they don't recur. But if the tumors are not completely removed, they could come back.
However, the skull is enclosed, so any tumor that grows within it, whether benign or malignant, has a great chance of pressing on some sensitive brain tissues, causing harmful side effects.
Types of Benign Brain Tumors
There are different types of benign brain tumors, each occuring in different parts of the brain Photo by MART PRODUCTION on Pexels
There are various types of benign brain tumors, each with different characteristics and locations. Types of benign brain tumors include:
1. Meningioma
Meningioma is the most common type of benign brain tumor, accounting for about 53.3% of non-malignant tumors and 37.6% of all tumors. Meningioma is a non-cancerous central nervous system tumor.
It begins from the meninges of the brain and spinal cord (meninges are layers of tissue that cover and protect your brain and spinal cord).
Some factors that can lead to meningiomas include hormonal therapy, family history, exposure to radiation, and neurofibromatosis.
Meningiomas are more commonly found in men than women due to hormonal factors.
Meningiomas are of three types: grade 1 (typical), grade 2 (atypical), and grade 3 (anaplastic). Grade one grows slowly, is non-cancerous, and accounts for most cases of this brain tumor type. Grade 2 grows faster than grade 1 and is also non-cancerous. Grade 3 is cancerous and grows faster than grades 1 and 2.
Since grade 1 meningiomas grow slowly, you might not notice the symptoms until a later stage. Still, the more common symptoms include headaches, hearing loss, seizures, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, etc.
Meningiomas can be treated with surgery, especially when they have fast growth. It can also be treated with radiotherapy. For patients who cannot undergo surgery due to underlying causes, stereotactic radiosurgery can be used. The stereotactic method is mainly used when the meningioma is reoccurring.
About 1–3% of this benign tumor type can turn into malignant tumors if not correctly managed. Also, its survival rate is usually low.
2. Craniopharyngioma
Craniopharyngioma is a type of benign brain tumor. It is one of the benign tumors that rarely occur. It has slow growth, and it usually arises close to the brain's pituitary gland (the pituitary gland functions to secrete hormones that control various body functions).
Craniopharyngioma usually affects the functions of the brain's pituitary gland because it grows near it. It can also lead to compression of the optic chiasm.
Craniopharyngioma is more prevalent between the ages of 5 to 14 and 50 to 74. Craniopharyngiomas usually have a high recurrence rate.
Symptoms like nausea and vomiting, headaches, hormonal disturbances, and visual and endocrine disturbances are frequently present.
It is always challenging to treat a craniopharyngioma because of its closeness to neurovascular structures, location, and invasiveness. However, if you are diagnosed with this condition, your oncologist will know the best line of treatment to use. The treatment options may include radiotherapy and surgery.
3. Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma
This type of benign brain tumor is rare. It is a highly vascular tumor in the posterior nasal cavity (at the back of the nose).
Although this is a benign brain tumor, it is considered severe because it can spread from the posterior nasal cavity to the eye socket, sinuses, skull, and brain.
Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma is also called juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma (JNA). This is because it usually affects adolescent or prepubescent males between the ages of 10-20. This tumor has only occurred in females on rare occasions.
The most common symptoms of JNA include headache, rhinorrhea (running nose), sleep apnea, bulging eyes, watery eyes, etc. In more severe cases, the symptoms can include visual disturbance, cranial nerve palsy, and proptosis.
The most common treatment for JNA is surgery. In cases where the tumor keeps reoccurring, radiotherapy may be used.
4. Choroid plexus papilloma
This is a type of benign brain tumor that affects the choroid plexus. They are primarily seen in infants. The choroid plexus tumor in infants usually leads to a change in mental status and sometimes increases head circumference.
When it occurs in adults, it presents with signs of intracranial tension like headaches, vomiting, visual field defects, and lateral gaze palsies.
5. Pituitary Adenoma
Pituitary adenomas are benign tumors of the pituitary gland.
This type of benign brain tumor presents with symptoms such as headaches, visual problems, excessive weight gain, irregular menstrual flow, erectile dysfunction, and issues in lactation.
Pituitary adenomas are classified based on their size and hormone-secreting activities.
Hormone-secreting pituitary tumors are called active endocrine tumors, whereas those that don't secrete hormones are considered inactive.
6. Hemangioblastoma
This is another type of benign brain tumor. It is a vascular tumor that forms in the lower part of the brain, spinal cord, and retina.
Although it starts out benign, this tumor is considered sensitive. The tumor, while enlarging, usually puts pressure on the brain. This leads to some neurological symptoms like weakness, headaches, sensory loss, and loss of balance and coordination. It also leads to a buildup of spinal fluid in the brain (hydrocephalus).
The exact cause of hemangioblastoma is unknown, but it has been broadly associated with an inherited condition called von Hippel-Lindau (VHL).
Hemangioblastomas typically cause symptoms such as headaches, nausea, vomiting, and loss of coordination and balance.
7. Lipomas
Lipomas are non-cancerous tumors made up of fatty tissues. Their appearance usually signifies the presence of other congenital anomalies.
Lipomas are of different sizes, and they can be single or multiple. They can go undetected for a long time because they barely present any symptoms. However, they are often detected when a scan is performed.
Other benign brain cysts and lesions
Brain cysts are fluid-filled sacs in the brain. Similar to brain tumors, brain cysts can be cancerous or non-cancerous. Brain cysts are usually filled with pus, blood, or other materials.
Brain cysts are caused by a build-up of fluid in the brain. They usually appear during the first week of intrauterine life (in the womb). Sometimes, the cysts also form due to trauma or an injury to the head.
Some types of brain cysts include:
1. Colloid Cyst
Colloid cysts are a type of brain cyst found in the third ventricle. The cyst comprises an epithelial lining filled with gelatinous material and contains old blood, cholesterol, mucin, and ions.
Colloid cysts rarely cause sudden death, but they usually present with symptoms like headaches, diplopia, and memory problems.
If a colloid cyst causes hydrocephalus (a buildup of fluid in the ventricle), it will need to be treated to avoid damage. The hydrocephalus will also need to be treated first, before the cyst.
The treatment of colloid cysts is usually through a craniotomy (a surgery where an incision is made on the scalp). There are other methods, too. Your healthcare team will best determine the appropriate treatment method.
2. Encephalocele
A congenital disability known as encephalocele results from an incomplete closure of the neural tube. The brain and the spinal cord form within the neural tube, and when it fails to close completely, an encephalocele occurs. This usually happens between the third and fourth weeks of pregnancy and can appear in the skull's base, top, or back.
Encephaloceles arise mainly due to genetic effects. It is common in families with other histories of neural tube defects, like spina bifida.
Encephaloceles usually lead to facial and cranial deformities. These deformities can be corrected with surgery.
3. Dermoid and Epidermoid Cyst
Dermoid and epidermoid cysts are benign growths that mainly affect the spine. They are harmless, but as they grow, they compress nearby structures, leading to some symptoms.
Some of the symptoms associated with dermoid and epidermoid cysts include weakness, incontinence, problems with balance, etc.
The significant difference between dermoid and epidermoid cysts is in their content. Epidermoid cysts contain the protein keratin and other products of skin cells, as well as accumulated skin cells. On the other hand, dermoid cysts contain other skin components like hair or sweat glands, skin cells, and other materials like blood.
4. Arachnoid Cyst
Arachnoid cysts can press on important structures in the brain causing symptoms like headache. Photo source: Kindel Media on Pexels
Arachnoid cysts are benign cysts found in the brain and spinal cord. They can only have a negative effect when they press against other structures.
They usually occur at birth or after a trauma to the head (which affects children more).
If an arachnoid cyst presses on other structures, it could cause symptoms like dizziness, nausea, vomiting, seizure, or headaches. The symptoms vary from one individual to another
5. Rathke's Cleft Cyst
Rathke's cysts are non-cancerous cysts that form at the base of the brain in some parts of the pituitary gland. They are congenital because they start when the fetus is in the womb.
Rathke's cysts occur due to the persistence of Rathke's pouch. When the Rathke's pouch persists, it gives room for a cyst to form.
Rathke's cysts develop when the child is in the womb, but they are undetected until a later stage in adulthood.
When Rathke's Cyst starts to press on other structures later, it leads to symptoms such as reoccurring headaches, nausea, personality or mood changes, vision changes, etc.
Causes of Benign Brain Tumors
Like other types of benign tumors, the causes of benign brain tumors are mostly unknown. There are no definite causes associated with them. However, there are a few pointers on the possible causes or risk factors for benign brain tumors, such as:
- People over 50 have a high chance of having a benign brain tumor.
- If you have a family history of brain tumors, there are chances you might develop it.
- You might develop a brain tumor if you have genetic conditions like neurofibromatosis type 1, tuberous sclerosis, neurofibromatosis type 2, and Li-Fraumeni cancer syndrome. These genetic conditions can increase your risk of developing a non-cancerous brain tumor.
Symptoms of Benign Brain Tumors
Benign brain tumors present varying symptoms depending on the size, location, and type of tumor.
The common symptoms include
- Seizures
- Headaches
- Facial tingling or numbness
- Nausea or vomiting
- Visual problems
Diagnosis of Benign brain tumors
Benign brain tumors may be difficult to detect at an early stage because they often present with mild symptoms that start slowly. Their diagnosis may be a bit challenging - in fact, most benign brain tumors are usually diagnosed in the course of other treatments.
Your doctor can order tests like CT scan and brain MRI if they suspect a brain tumor Photo by MART PRODUCTION on Pexels
The primary diagnosis is always a physical examination. During this examination, your healthcare provider will ask questions like:
- The symptoms you are having
- Your medical history
- Medication record
- Previous surgeries and medical treatments
- Family medical history
You could also be asked to go in for a physical examination where you will be screened for:
- Mental status
- Vision
- Balance and coordination
- Reflexes
You could also be asked to run tests like CT Scan, Brain MRI, and Spinal Tap to help your doctor see the structures within your brain and possibly detect any abnormality.
Treatment for Benign Brain Tumors
The treatment options for brain tumors depend on the type and severity:
- Surgery is the most common treatment option. Here, the aim is always to remove as many tumors as possible.
- Radiotherapy - This is often used in the case of reoccurring tumors.
- Chemotherapy - This is also used to kill off the remaining cells after surgery.
- Radiosurgery - This is applied when the tumors are hard to locate and remove.
Your healthcare provider is always in the best position to determine the treatment most suitable for you.
When to see a doctor
Benign brain tumors are barely visible to the eyes. Unless they cause swelling in the head (which often doesn't happen immediately after the tumor growth starts), they may go undetected for a long time.
However, you should visit your healthcare provider when you start noticing symptoms like persistent headaches, vision problems, balance and coordination problems, and ear tingling.
Also, you should see your doctor if you have any form of head injury or trauma.
The brain is a susceptible part of the body. Unfortunately, it is not immune to tumors as different types of tumors can develop there. Any tumor in the brain, whether benign or malignant, should be treated as urgent.
A regular scan is advised for everyone because most benign brain tumors go undetected for a long time. Early detection makes for early treatment which often increases the chances of survival and recovery.