
Natural Home Remedies for Getting Rid of Razor Bumps

A man shaving his beards in the direction of hair growth to prevent razor bumps

Shaving is that regular routine you can't do away with even though sometimes you suffer mild after-effects. You are not alone if you often experience skin irritation, discomfort, and even the formation of red bumps after shaving.

Razor bumps occur after shaving when remaining hair tips grow back into the skin instead of away from it. While razor bumps often don't cause severe problems, many seek ways to relieve the discomfort and get rid of the bumps.

There are different natural home remedies for getting rid of razor blades touted online. All of them may not work for everyone and some may cause side effects depending on your skin type. So, you may need to get advice from your dermatologist before trying any home remedy for your razor bump.

The bait also lies in finding out which of the home remedies will work for you and also how best to shave without getting razor bumps.

This article will cover the different natural remedies for getting rid of razor bumps, the difference between bumps and razor burn, ways to prevent razor bumps, and when to see your dermatologists for razor bumps.

What are razor bumps?

Razor bumps are minor bumps and irritations that appear on the skin after shaving. It is also called folliculitis barbae. If strands of hair curl back into your skin after shaving, it will lead to ingrown hair (hair growing back into the skin), which in turn, leads to bumps.

Sometimes, the bumps cause skin irritation and scarring. And in rare cases, they can get infected leading to more serious complications.

However, some people don't get razor bumps immediately after shaving. It might take a while before it occurs.

When the hair grows under the skin for a while, it starts irritating the skin. With time, the skin recruits some inflammatory cells, causing bumps to appear.

Razor bumps occur more in people with curly hairs because their hairs have a higher tendency of curling back and growing into the skin instead of growing outwards.

Difference between razor bumps and razor burns

Razor burns are mostly experienced immediately after shaving due to problems associated with the razor blade or shaving pattern. Razor burns usually present symptoms like skin itchiness, stinging redness in the affected area, and small lesions on the skin.

Razor bumps, on the other hand, share similar symptoms to razor burns, the slight difference lies in the appearance of bumps (like papules) in the affected area. Razor bumps occur as a result of hair growing back into the skin after a shave. The process of hair growing back into the skin is termed ingrown hair.

Natural remedies to get rid of razor bumps

Your doctor can prescribe you medications and after-shave creams to get rid of razor bumps. However, there are some natural home remedies that may help get rid of the bumps.

Some of the natural home remedies include:

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar contains citric acid and acetic acid. The acetic acid help in treating irritated skin while citric acid unclogs the skin pores of ingrown hair.

To use apple cider vinegar, soak cotton wool inside the vinegar. Then, dab the affected area. Wait until it becomes dry and rinse out with cold water.

This remedy should be used with caution, especially if you have sensitive skin. Stop using it if you notice increased irritation or burning sensation.

Oatmeal Bath

Oatmeal contains starch, beta-glucan, and phenol, and they have moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties.

This is why it is believed that oatmeal soothes the skin when used in the form of a bath. So, if you have razor bumps, you can soak in an oatmeal bath and experience the relief that comes with it.

Tea Tree Oil and Olive Oil

Essential oils like tea tree oil may be helpful in treating razor bumps (Photo source: Christin Hume on Unsplash)

A combination of tea tree oil and olive oil has been found to have a soothing effect on the skin. This is because tea tree oil has some anti-inflammatory properties while olive oil contains fatty acids which help to smoothen the skin.

Mix the olive oil and tea tree oil properly to get the best result. You can mix five drops of tea tree oil with a tablespoon of olive oil.

Apply the mixture to the affected area and rinse off after 15 minutes using warm water. This combination is one natural remedy for getting rid of razor bumps.

Aloe Vera

This is one of the most commonly used home remedy for getting rid of skin issues like razor bumps.

Aloe vera serves a wide range of purposes. One of such purposes is the treatment of razor bumps. Apply a little to the affected area and rinse off after some time.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is acidic and studies have indicated that it can help fight bacterial infections.

To apply lemon juice to your razor bumps, the first step is to squeeze the juice from 2 or 3 lemons. and dilute it with water.

Use a cotton ball and apply the mixture to the affected area. Wait for about ten minutes for it to dry and then wash off.

Baking Soda

Baking soda may be suitable for treating razor bumps and ingrown hairs. This is because of the anti-inflammatory property of baking soda.

You can add one tablespoon of baking soda and apply it to the affected area. It is best if you dab it gently across the affected area.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is good for treating razor bumps gotten from shaving. Coconut oil contains lauric acid which helps in killing bacteria and also has some antifungal activity.

However, some people are allergic to coconut oil. If you are allergic to it, do not try using it to get rid of your razor bumps, instead, try other remedies.

Witch Hazel

Witch Hazel can be used in relieving pain. It can also be used to treat small skin irritation. This function can be attributed to its astringent and anti-inflammatory properties.

Witch hazel is sometimes called winterbloom, hazel nut, tobacco wood, or hamamelis water. Its skin and bark can be used to naturally reduce inflammations, insect bites, acne, and blisters.


Honey may offer a fast way to heal and get rid of razor bumps. It helps in reducing swelling, inflammation, and also irritation. Honey also has very rich antibacterial properties.

How to prevent razor bumps in the future

Finding ways of preventing razor bumps in the first place is better than looking for remedies after the razor bumps have appeared.

Shaving on wet skin can help prevent razor bumps (Photo source: cottonbro on Pexels)

Following the tips below can help prevent razor bumps after shaving.

Shave frequently

Infrequent shaving will cause your hair to grow to a length that can curl back into the skin. When this happens, it will be challenging to get out all the hair through shaving, leading to the formation of razor bumps.

Give your skin a warm compress

Placing a warm, damp towel on the area you want to shave is an excellent way to prevent razor bumps. You can place it for 5 or ten minutes, depending on what works best for you.

The hot compress will make it easier for you to shave by opening your pores, causing your hair shafts to swell and become soft.

Also, for people who already have a bump infected with bacteria from the previous shaving, applying a hot compress alongside antibacterial medication will help kill the bacteria.

Make use of moisturizer creams for shaving

There are good moisturizing hair creams out there that help to lubricate your skin. The importance of this is that once you lubricate your skin, it will reduce the amount of irritation you will feel while shaving.

Also, some moisturizing creams are anti-bacteria, so before getting one, ensure that you do proper research.

Make use of a sharp razor blade

It is advised that you use a blade or stick just once. This is because when the blade gets dull, it causes a lot of friction on the skin. But a sharp blade will reduce friction and lessen your chances of getting razor bumps.

There are other best practices for shaving to prevent getting razor bumps such as wetting skin before shaving and shaving in the direction of hair growth.

Keeping in mind that skin types vary, if you often experience razor bumps after shaving, it is best to speak to your dermatologist for more tips on how to prevent them.

When to see your dermatologist for razor bumps

Asides from the bumps, some people feel skin irritation and burns after shaving. This is often not a cause for alarm. Applying some natural remedies can get rid of the razor bumps. It will also help if you adopt strategies that will prevent the appearance of razor bumps in the first place.

Most people can treat their razor bumps using home remedies, while in some, the bumps go away on their own.

However, if the bumps persist or become painful, you should pay a visit to your dermatologist. In some cases, the bumps might get infected, but you may not know this until you visit your dermatologist.

Also, in some cases, the bumps cause discoloration over time. In such a case, you should also visit your dermatologist to recommend treatment for skin discoloration.


There is no "one perfect" remedy that works for everybody when it comes to treating razor bumps. However, one of the numerous home remedy options listed above might work for you.

Sometimes, the factors contributing to razor bumps are beyond your control, but you can take proactive steps to prevent future occurrences.

Also, if your bump becomes painful and severe and you start noticing an increase in bumps, increased pain, and widespread redness, you should pay a visit to your dermatologist.