5 ways to lower blood pressure without anti-hypertensive medications

Last Updated Sep 12, 2024

It sounds easy to just pop pills each time you have mild symptoms like a headache that doesn’t last for long. But what happens when you have chronic health conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure? Is it best to live on pills, popping pills every day for the rest of your life? What can you do to manage your condition? 

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A nurse checking a patient's blood pressure

Key takeaways

  • Blood pressure is a measurement of the force with which the heart pumps blood through the arteries. When the pressure is too high, doctors diagnose it as high blood pressure, or hypertension.
  • There are available treatments for high blood pressure, typically in the form of anti-hypertensive medications. But there are other natural ways to manage your blood pressure.
  • How you can lower your blood pressure without using medications include: reducing your sodium intake, avoiding stress, and drinking enough water and healthy fluids.

High blood pressure is also called hypertension. It is a condition that occurs when the force of blood on the arterial walls is too high.

Blood pressure within the range of 120 over 80 (120/80) is within the normal range. The top number is called systolic blood pressure, and the lower number is called diastolic blood pressure. When the systolic pressure is higher than 130 and the diastolic is higher than 80, the blood pressure is considered high. 

There are different causes of high blood pressure, such as:

  • Stress
  • Smoking and drinking excessively
  • Being overweight or obese
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Sleep apnoea
  • Genetics

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly half of the adults in the United States (47%) have high blood pressure. About one in five are unaware they have the condition, while only about 24% of the adults with hypertension have their health condition under control.

Can you reduce your blood pressure without medication? Yes, there are things you can do to help lower and manage your blood pressure without medication, such as:

1. Reducing your sodium intake

The effect of sodium on blood pressure is a highly researched topic. Sodium is one of the major components of salt, an essential cooking ingredient. When you consume lots of salt, you are consuming a high amount of sodium, which can be detrimental to your health.

Evidence suggests that there is a direct relationship between sodium intake and an increase in blood pressure. According to a study, excess salt consumption caused a significant increase in blood pressure and was linked with the onset of hypertension and other cardiovascular complications.

But, how does salt increase blood pressure? 

The kidney is in charge of controlling the salt level. It removes excess salt through the urine. Salt is essential for the body's normal functioning, but when it is too much, the kidneys might be unable to keep up with flushing it out of the body.

A high level of salt causes the body to retain more water. Salt attracts more water to balance its concentration in the blood. Too much water in the blood increases blood volume, which in turn increases blood pressure.

Reducing the amount of salt you consume is one practical way to control and lower your blood pressure without medication. You might be unable to reduce your salt intake drastically, but you can cut it down gradually.

2. Avoiding stress

While it is almost impossible to totally avoid stress, as human life is filled with stressful events, it is possible to reduce its levels.

Stress is one of the common causes of high blood pressure. Stress causes hypertension by triggering the nervous system to produce large amounts of vasoconstricting hormones. Vasoconstricting hormones cause the blood vessels to constrict and the heart to beat faster, causing an increase in blood pressure.

There is not enough evidence to prove that stress directly causes long-term hypertension. However, studies show that stress can affect its development. More studies need to be carried out on how stress affects blood pressure.

Eliminating all stressors is one way to reduce blood pressure without medication. The first step to achieving this is to find out your stressors and then work on eliminating or avoiding them.

You should also be able to adapt to changes. Don't always expect that things will go your way. Let go of some things and understand that there are some things you cannot change or control. 

Live a joyful life, always show gratitude, and create time to rest and relax. You can take a walk, go for yoga, sleep, go on vacations, watch a movie, or read a book to relax.

3. Drinking enough water and other healthy fluids

The type of fluid you consume matters for your health. Taking drinks like alcohol can increase your blood pressure, especially when taken in high amounts. Alcohol can also interact with blood pressure medications, rendering them ineffective.

If you have a risk of developing hypertension (perhaps you have a family history of alcohol), you should avoid caffeinated drinks as well. Not everyone experiences changes in blood pressure after taking caffeine; however, it is best to stay safe or, better still, talk to your doctor about the effects of caffeine on your blood pressure.

Drinking water is best for your health. A study showed that drinking water decreased the blood pressure of workers working in hot conditions. Also, adding minerals like magnesium and calcium to water before drinking is another way to lower blood pressure without medication.

Drinks like zobo are also considered healthy. One of the health benefits of zobo is reduced blood pressure and a reduced risk of hypertension. A study showed that zobo drink has antihypertensive and cardioprotective properties.

4. Exercising regularly

If you already have high blood pressure, you must be consistent with exercising. Exercise offers one way to lower blood pressure without medications.

People with normal blood pressure are not left out in this. Among other things, exercising helps keep your blood pressure in check.

A study found that aerobic exercise significantly reduced systolic and diastolic blood pressure in patients with resistant hypertension.2 Examples of aerobic exercises you may try to reduce blood pressure include jogging, walking, running, swimming, cycling and dancing.

If you have hypertension, you can lower your blood pressure by 5-8 mmHg by exercising for 30 minutes, four days a week. 

5. Eating healthy meals

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Healthy diets are rich in whole carbs, proteins, healthy fats, fruits, and vegetables. The macronutrients (carbohydrates, fats, and proteins) make up a more significant part of our diet, and care must be taken to eat from healthy sources. Making dietary changes is one way to lower blood pressure without medications.

Skip refined carbs and foods with added sugar and opt for whole carbs like grains and potatoes. Also, all fats are not the same. While unsaturated fats are good for you, saturated and trans fats are not.

An eating plan called Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) can help people with hypertension. The DASH diet reduces blood pressure by decreasing the amount of sodium in your diet.

The DASH diet is based on two studies that studied ways of reducing blood pressure through dietary changes. This diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy foods and contains less saturated fat, cholesterol, and total fat.

Eating a healthy diet also helps keep your weight in check. Studies have shown that obesity predisposes to high blood pressure by elevating arterial pressure and increasing the risk of hypertension-related health conditions, such as atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease.

People with mild hypertension may not necessarily need medications to control their blood pressure. As explained in this article, changes in lifestyle and diet can help them lower their blood pressure without taking anti-hypertensive medicine.

Wrap up

High blood pressure is tagged a "silent killer" because you can feel fine and not show symptoms until your blood pressure gets too high. This is why it is advisable to check your blood pressure regularly.

Living a healthy lifestyle helps keep blood pressure in check, and the tips provided here help with managing the condition. However, they should not replace your doctor's advice. If your doctor recommends medications for you, it is best to take them as instructed. Lifestyle changes should complement your doctor's prescriptions.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Here are some common questions people ask about tips for lowering blood pressure and answers to the questions:

Can I lower blood pressure without medications?

Yes, you can lower and manage your blood pressure without medications. But this is not ideal for everyone. If your blood pressure is too high, medications may be necessary to bring it down faster. But for people whose blood pressure is not too high, they can manage their blood pressure and bring it down gradually to the ideal range.

What are blood pressure treatment home remedies?

Some blood pressure treatment home remedies you can try include getting enough sleep, limiting stress, exercising regularly, reducing the amount of salt you take and managing your weight.

What lowers blood pressure fast?

Blood pressure medications like beta-blockers can help lower your blood pressure fast. But don't take a medication without your doctor's prescription. Lifestyle and dietary changes can help lower your blood pressure over time, but it may not happen quick.


  1. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021). Facts about hypertension.
  2. Dimeo, Fernando et al. (2012). Aerobic exercise reduces blood pressure in resistant hypertension.
  3. Grillo, Andrea et al. (2019). Sodium Intake and Hypertension.
  4. Kulkarni, S et al. (1998). Stress and hypertension.
  5. Lapau, Buchari. (2016). Effect of Drinking Water on the Decrease of Blood Pressure in Hot Working Condition of Prison’s Kitchen.
  6. Re, Richard N. (2019). Obesity-related hypertension.