Can Postinor 2 Flush Out Sperm from the Vagina?
The only healthy way to clean out the vagina after sex is to wash it gently with clean water. However, there is no need for this as the vagina is self-cleansing. Practises like douching, inserting vinegar into the vagina, or taking Postinor 2 will not flush out sperm or semen from the vagina.
Written By

Joy EmehHuman Anatomist | Health Editor
Reviewed By
Nwamaka OsakweAward-winning Medical Doctor | Consultant Nephrologist

Key takeaways
- Postinor 2 is an emergency contraceptive that contains levonorgestrel as the active ingredient. It is not intended to be used as a regular contraceptive.
- Postinor 2 does not flush out sperm in the vagina. Instead, it prevents pregnancy by delaying ovulation (the release of eggs from the ovary) and thickening cervical mucus so sperm cells will not easily pass through.
- Postinor 2 works better when you take it right after sexual intercourse. However, it does not work for preventing sexually transmitted infections. If you are sexually active and want to avoid pregnancy, speak with your doctor about getting regular birth control.
Postinor 2, commonly known as the morning-after pill or Plan B, is a popular emergency contraceptive (EC) used worldwide by people with vaginas who have reached puberty. I
It contains an active ingredient called levonorgestrel and is highly effective in preventing unwanted pregnancies when you ingest it within 72 hours of unprotected sexual intercourse.
However, many people are confused about how Postinor 2 works to prevent pregnancy. Some people believe that it can eliminate sperm from the body, while others argue that it is not possible.
To clear your confusion, emergency contraceptives like Postinor 2 and Postpill work by delaying ovulation and making the mucus in the cervix thicker. But, they do not impact the sperm that has already entered the uterus.
This article digs deeper into this topic and clears the air on whether Postinor 2 can flush out sperm from the body or not.
The menstrual cycle and how you get pregnant
Before discussing Postinor 2, it will be helpful to have a little background knowledge on the basic science behind pregnancy.
Pregnancy occurs when a sperm cell from a male fertilizes an egg (also called an ovum) from a female. In the natural mode of conception that does not involve in vitro fertilization, this usually happens after semen (containing sperm cells) is ejaculated into the vagina during sex.
Once the semen is inside the vagina, the released sperm cells swim through the cervical canal and into the uterus, from where they reach the fallopian tube.
If an egg is present in the fallopian tube, one of the sperm cells will attempt to fertilize it. If successful, this is the beginning of pregnancy. The fertilized egg will travel down the fallopian tube and back into the uterus, where it will implant itself into the uterus wall. This is known as implantation and is one of the early occurrences of pregnancy.
However, not all sexual encounters result in pregnancy. Sometimes pregnancy may not occur, and this may be explained by the fact that there are certain times during the menstrual cycle when a person is more or less likely to become pregnant.
People with ovaries are most fertile during ovulation, which occurs around day 14 of a typical 28-day menstrual cycle, and is less fertile a few days before menstruation, during menstruation, and a few days after. So if you have sex during ovulation, you have a higher chance of getting pregnant.
Does Postinor 2 flush out sperm from the body?
Postinor 2 cannot flush out sperm from the body. While it helps prevent pregnancy, Postinor 2 does not work by removing or flushing out sperm. A 2016 review of this medication’s mechanism of action also indicated that it does not have the ability to alter sperm function.
Sperm can only survive in the female reproductive tract for about 3-5 days, which means that even if a person with ovaries takes Postinor 2, there is still a chance that sperm could fertilize an egg if ovulation has already occurred.
It's also worth noting that Postinor 2 is not a form of abortion and won’t terminate a pregnancy. This pill is also ineffective in preventing sexually transmitted infections (STIs). If you have had unprotected sex and are concerned about STIs, consider getting tested and seeking appropriate medical treatment.
Is Postinor 2 very effective for preventing pregnancies?
Postinor 2 is effective for preventing pregnancy if you ingest it correctly and within the recommended duration of time. According to the World Health Organization, emergency contraception can prevent up to 95% of pregnancies when ingested within five days of sexual intercourse.
However, the effectiveness of this medication declines as time passes. If you take it within 24 hours of sexual intercourse, its success rate will be higher compared to when you take it about 72 hours later.
Notably, Postinor 2 is not designed to be used as a regular birth control medication. It is best to use it for emergencies only, e.g., if your condom breaks during sex.
If you are sexually active and don’t want to get pregnant, speak with a doctor about the best contraceptive method for you. There are several options available, including the use of condoms, IUDs, hormonal patches, and progestin-only or combination oral contraceptives.
Side effects of Postinor 2
Like all medications, Postinor 2 can cause some potential side effects. Some of the possible side effects include:
- Dizziness
- Headache
- Nausea and vomiting
- Abdominal pain
- Fatigue
- Breast tenderness
- Changes in menstrual cycle, such as shortening or prolonging the length of a cycle
These side effects are usually mild and typically resolve within a few days.
More serious side effects are rare but can include ectopic pregnancy (implantation of a fertilized egg outside the uterus), rupturing of cysts in the ovary, and miscarriage. If you experience any of these symptoms after taking Postinor 2, it's important to seek urgent medical attention.
Alternative contraceptive methods
While Postinor 2 can be an effective form of emergency contraception, there are other forms of contraception available, such as:
- Regular birth control pills: Regular birth control pills like Levofem are a type of hormonal contraception that you need to ingest orally daily to prevent pregnancy. They may contain only progesterone or a combination of progesterone and estrogen.
- Condoms: Male or female condoms are a simple and effective form of contraception that works by preventing semen (and sperm) entering into the vagina. They also reduce the risk of contracting STIs.
- Patches, implants and rings: These are hormonal birth control methods that involve placing patches, implants, or rings on certain parts of the body. These devices contain hormones or substances that mimic certain female hormones and are used to prevent ovulation—and, ultimately, pregnancy.
- Intrauterine devices (IUDs): These are small, T-shaped devices that your doctor may insert into your uterus to prevent pregnancy.
It's important to talk to your healthcare provider about which method of contraception is right for you.
Why you should practise safe sex
While emergency contraception can be helpful for preventing unintended pregnancy, the best way to prevent pregnancy and STIs is to practice safe sex as this reduces the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases.
Safe sex involves using a form of contraception that helps prevent STIs, such as condoms, and getting tested regularly for STIs. This is particularly important if you have multiple sexual partners or if your partner has other sexual partners.
Also, be honest with your partner and communicate your sexual health and history to them. This can help ensure that everyone involved is on the same page and taking appropriate precautions.
Seeking medical attention
If you are considering using Postinor 2 or any form of contraception, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional. Your doctor can educate you about the risks and benefits of each method and help you determine which method is right for you.
It's also important to seek medical attention if you experience any unusual symptoms after taking Postinor 2 or any other form of contraception.
Wrap up
Postinor 2 is a type of emergency contraception that works by delaying ovulation. It does not flush out sperm from the body. When taken correctly, it can be effective in preventing pregnancies. However, it would be best if you don't use it as a regular or primary method of birth control.
Many other forms of contraception are available in pharmacies. But, it's often best to talk to your healthcare provider about which method is right for you.
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