Can Ampiclox (Beecham) prevent pregnancy?

Last Updated Sep 1, 2024

There are lots of birth control pills and emergency contraceptives in the market today. But, ampiclox is not one of them as it does not prevent pregnancy.

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A woman reading the label of ampiclox medication purchased from a pharmaceutical store

Key takeaway:

  • Ampiclox does not prevent pregnancy; it does not flush out sperm either.
  • Ampiclox, also called Beecham, is an antibiotic used for treating bacterial infections; it is not a contraceptive pill. Ampiclox will not prevent pregnancy even when taken with non-contraceptive pills like Andrews Liver Salts.
  • Taking ampiclox Beecham to prevent pregnancy is drug misuse and can lead to antibiotic resistance.

With abortion being declared illegal in some countries, people seek different ways to prevent pregnancy. It is often easy to consume all information online or listen to talks from friends and people who are not medically certified for medical advice.

One of the wrong pieces of information that seem to have gained popularity among people of childbearing age is that taking antibiotics like ampiclox (Beecham) can help prevent pregnancy. However, that is untrue. While ampiclox medication is used for different purposes (primarily treating different bacterial infections), it does not prevent pregnancy.

In this article, we will discuss what ampiclox medication is and what it is used for. We will also answer your questions regarding using ampiclox to prevent pregnancy, including whether it can flush out sperm or not.

What is ampiclox (Beecham)?

Ampiclox (Beecham) is a mix of ampicillin, which is made from penicillin, and cloxacillin, which is a semisynthetic penicillin antibiotic. This medication is an antibiotic used to treat infections like, urinary tract infections, meningitis, respiratory tract infections, and gonorrhea infections.

Ampiclox is commonly sold in Nigeria under the brand name Beecham; hence, Nigerians usually call it Ampiclox Beecham (combining both the generic and brand names).

Ampiclox is a broad-spectrum antibiotic because it kills both gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria that cause disease. It can be administered orally, intravenously, or through intramuscular means.

Does ampiclox (Beecham) work for preventing pregnancy?

Ampiclox (Beecham) does not prevent pregnancy. People who advocate using ampiclox to prevent pregnancy believe it works as an emergency contraceptive, like Postinor 2.

A 2022 study highlighted how people misconstrue one capsule of ampiclox (Beecham) taken after unprotected sex to be effective against conception. The paper also said that antibiotics are one of the drugs that are most often abused in Nigeria.

While there is a widespread belief among some people that ampiclox can be used as an emergency contraceptive, there is no scientific evidence backing the effectiveness or safety of using antibiotics to prevent pregnancy. The medication was not designed to be used as a contraceptive, even off-label.

Ampiclox, like other antibiotics, is only effective for treating a wide range of bacterial infections.

Ampiclox is easy to get and can be bought at almost any pharmacy in the country. This, along with the fact that some people still have negative ideas about birth control pills because of their culture or religion, may have led to the use of this antibiotic as an emergency birth control method.

Nevertheless, this doesn't change the fact that there is no scientific evidence backing antibiotics as contraceptives, so they should not be used as one.

Instead of using ampiclox to prevent pregnancy, consider using Postinor 2, which is effective and approved as an emergency contraceptive. However, you shouldn't use it multiple times in a cycle.

Can ampiclox flush out sperm?

Ampiclox does not flush out sperm from the vagina or cervix. And the notion that it can is a misconception.

Often, when the topic of flushing out sperm from the vagina is brought up, people come up with different ideas and tips, such as peeing after sex, cleaning the vagina after sex, taking Postinor 2, and inserting vinegar into the vagina, among others. But, contrary to popular beliefs, doing all or any of these will not flush out sperm from the vagina.

Can you wash out sperm to prevent pregnancy?

It's not possible to wash out sperm that has already entered the vagina. Activities like douching, drinking ampiclox, Andrews Liver Salts, or Postinor 2 to flush out sperm do not work, and some of them are not healthy either. Using medications for purposes they are not meant for can cause more harm than good.

Once semen enters the vagina, the sperm cells tend to start swimming toward the cervix. There is not enough evidence to suggest that there is a safe and effective way of flushing out sperm cells that have entered the vagina.

If you don't wish to get pregnant, you should consider taking a morning-after-pill like Postinor 2 or taking preventive measures with a regular birth control method such as combined contraceptive pills, condoms, or an IUD. You can discuss birth control options with your healthcare provider.

Misusing medications like ampiclox has side effects, such as bacterial resistance. Also, taking ampiclox, especially combined with contraceptives, in a bid to flush out sperm can affect the level of estrogen, a hormone that plays a significant role in the menstrual cycle and in pregnancy.

Does ampiclox and Andrews Liver Salts prevent pregnancy?

Since both medications are not contraceptives, ampiclox and Andrews Liver Salt cannot prevent pregnancy. Andrews Liver Salts is a brand of magnesium sulfate, sodium bicarbonate, and citric acid that serves as a laxative and antacid for mild stomach issues. It helps to relieve symptoms like indigestion and constipation.

Some people, due to poor knowledge of conventional emergency contraceptive methods, resort to trying out methods like the use of antibiotics and Andrews Liver Salts. However, there is no scientific evidence that taking ampiclox alone or with Andrews Liver Salts can prevent pregnancy.

The danger of taking ampiclox to prevent pregnancy

Ampiclox Beecham has not been approved as an emergency contraceptive and should not be used as one. Taking ampiclox in place of a contraceptive is termed "drug misuse" because you are using it for a purpose for which it is not intended.

One of the serious dangers of misusing antibiotic medications like ampiclox is the tendency to develop resistance to the bacteria they are used to treat. This phenomenon is called bacterial resistance.

Different research has found that there is increasing bacterial resistance to the medication ampicillin-cloxacillin in Nigeria.

Another study found that some strains of Staphylococcus aureus have shown resistance to various brands of ampicillin-cloxacillin in Nigeria. The continuous misuse of ampiclox as a contraceptive will only increase the rate of bacterial resistance.

Bacterial resistance happens because bacteria can adapt to a change in environment or change over time. This usually happens when you expose bacteria to an antibiotic without taking enough doses required to kill them. Over time, the bacteria become resistant to that particular antibiotic.

Also, some people take ampiclox alongside contraceptives or other medications. This can cause drug interactions, accompanied by side effects like nausea.

Uses of ampiclox

Ampiclox Beecham has been approved for treating different infections like:

  • Bacteria meningitis: This is a bacterial infection caused by the following gram-negative bacteria: Neisseria meningitis and Escherichia coli. Bacteria meningitis is also caused by some gram-positive bacteria like Listeria monocytogenes and Group B Streptococci.
  • Respiratory tract infection: This is a respiratory tract infection often caused by Streptococcus pneumonia, Hemophilus influenza, and group A beta-hemolytic streptococci.
  • Septicemia: Septicemia, also known as sepsis, occurs when bacteria poisons the blood. (This poisoning can be due to lung infections, urinary tract infections, skin infections, or infections in the guts or intestines). According to John Hopkins hospital, sepsis has a 50% death rate if it is left untreated.
  • Endocarditis: This is the inflammation of the endocardium (the heart's inner chamber). It is usually caused by a bacteria or fungi infection. Ampiclox or other antibiotics work well for treating endocarditis.
  • Gastrointestinal infections: These infections are usually caused by Salmonella and Shigella species. Ampiclox is effective for treating such infections.
  • Genitourinary infection: Ampiclox also works well for infection of the genitals and urinary tract.

Final thoughts

Disregard any source that promotes using ampiclox as a contraceptive to prevent pregnancy. No research, clinical, or drug agency has approved ampiclox as an emergency contraceptive. Also, no reliable evidence suggests the medication can be used to flush out sperm.

If you are sexually active and don't want to get pregnant, speak with your doctor about using a contraceptive.

The primary use of ampiclox and other antibiotics is for the treatment of bacterial infections, and they should be used solely for that purpose. It is also wrong to self-medicate with ampiclox. It is best to get a prescription and dosage from a medical provider before taking the medication.