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8 Best Yoga Poses for curing Hemorrhoids (Piles)

Last Updated Sep 12, 2024

Yoga is popularized as a relaxation and meditation technique, but it may also be beneficial for treating medical conditions like hemorrhoids (piles). Learn more about this in this article.

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Woman practicing a yoga pose

Key Takeaways:

  • Hemorrhoid (pile) is a common condition that affects about 1 in 4 people in the world.
  • Lifestyle and dietary changes, such as drinking enough water and eating high-fiber foods, can help treat and prevent hemorrhoids.
  • Some yoga poses can help cure hemorrhoids. Examples of yoga poses that may help cure hemorrhoids include the legs up-the-wall yoga pose, bound-angle yoga pose, child's pose, and wind-relieving pose.

Haemorrhoid, also known as pile, is a condition that occurs when the blood vessels in and around the anal canal and rectum get swollen. Some people claim that everyone, at least once in life, will have experienced hemorrhoids. However, it is common during old age and pregnancy.

There are generally two types of hemorrhoids:

  • Internal hemorrhoids
  • External hemorrhoids

Internal hemorrhoids occur inside the rectum and are often painless, whereas external hemorrhoids are inside the anus and are quite painful.

The common symptoms of hemorrhoids include bleeding, inflammation, pain during bowel movements, itching, and mucus discharge after passing a stool.

The possible causes of hemorrhoids are unhealthy eating habits, obesity, strain during constipation, sitting for long durations, pregnancy, family history, and old age.

While there are clinical treatment options for hemorrhoids, lifestyle and diet play important roles in their management and prevention. Things you can do to prevent the occurrence of hemorrhoids include:

  • Drink 7 to 8 glasses of water every day 
  • Start eating a high-fiber diet 
  • Practice light exercises such as yoga
  • Avoid alcohol, coffee, and spicy food 
  • Avoid high-intensity activities like trekking, cycling, weight lifting, squats, etc. 
  • Apply anti-inflammatory creams

As a word of caution, always consult a doctor whenever you experience pain or discomfort before starting a natural therapy. You do not want to aggravate the symptoms and cause further issues. Also, if the symptoms of hemorrhoids persist or get worse, immediately consult a doctor. Do not rely completely on self-care.

How does yoga help?

Studies have shown that the ancient Indian branches of the healing tree—Ayurveda and yoga—can help cure hemorrhoids. A 2012 study published in the journal Ayu showed that Ayurveda offers a cure to bleeding piles and prevents recurrences.

Yoga has both physical and mental benefits. It is one of the best ways to cure hemorrhoids, as it focuses on every muscle and gland of the body. It stimulates the nervous and energy systems that help keep diseases, stress, pains, and ailments at bay.

While doing yoga, you perform asanas with twists and bends, which massage the abdominal organs, helping to improve conditions like piles. Yoga also helps regulate the functioning of the digestive system, which helps with a better metabolism.

Photo by Dylan Gillis on Unsplash

Your circulation is also enhanced with asanas that involve inversions. This means yoga induces healthy bowel movement, making it easier for you to pass your stools without straining your anal canal and rectum. The blood vessels and veins in those areas will be safe from inflammation or swelling.

Yoga poses to cure pile

Many poses in yoga are gentle yet stimulating enough to help you in case of mild hemorrhoid symptoms. These poses will relax your tensed muscles and veins near the anus and massage your abdominal organs. They will also relax your body and mind.

In today's article topic, yoga alliance certified teacher and trainer, Ashish Painuly and owner of Fitsri blog shares with us the eight best yoga poses for hemorrhoids. If you have pile, practicing these yoga poses may cure the condition.

Bound Angle Pose (Baddha Konasana)

This pose is well known for providing a good stretch to the groin, knees, and inner thighs. If the cause of your hemorrhoid is pregnancy, practicing this pose can help reduce the symptoms. It will also strengthen the bladder and massage the abdominal organs.

  • Sit with a straight spine and legs stretched out.
  • Externally rotate your outer thigh muscles and bend your knees.
  • Bring your feet as close to the groin as possible. Join the feet at the soles.
  • You can also use props, such as yoga blocks or cushions, to support your knees. 
  • You can wrap your hands around your feet to keep them together or place them on your ankles. 
  • To get a deeper stretch, keep pushing your feet inwards. 
  • Hold this pose for 1 minute while breathing steadily.

Legs Up-the-Wall Pose (Viparita Karani)

This pose is a mild inversion that helps blood circulation go down from your feet to other body parts. It will increase circulation towards the anus, which will reduce the pain, irritation, and inflammation. This is one of the best yoga poses for hemorrhoids.

It also aids in reducing abdominal pain and the strain caused by the pressure of passing stools. It is a highly restorative pose that can be performed with props to relax your body further.

  • Place your yoga mat near the wall and lie down on your back.
  • Keep sliding forward while moving your legs up the wall until your hips touch the wall.
  • Relax your back on a folded blanket. You can also place a cushion or yoga block under your hips for added support.
  • You can keep your arms any way you want, on your side with palms up, spread sideways with fingers spread, on top of your abdomen or chest.
  • Stay in this pose for a maximum of 15 minutes.

Child's Pose (Balasana)

This pose does offer therapeutic benefits and additionally massages the abdominal organs. It will increase circulation towards the anus and release tension from the hips, lower back, and legs. 

To practice child's yoga pose for hemorrhoids:

  • Sit in a Vajrasana. Tuck your toes so that the big toes touch each other and you are sitting on your heels.
  • Bring your arms forward, start bending forward till your abdomen touches your thighs.
  • Do not bend your head forward or til it back. Keep it straight to align with the spine.
  • For a deeper stretch, you can widen the gap between your thighs by spreading them sideways and bending more.
  • Another arm placement alternative is to keep your hands in fists and place them at the lower abdomen. 
  • Stay in this pose for at least 1 minute or a maximum of 5 minutes.

Wind-Relieving Pose (Pawanmuktasana)

Photo by Miriam Alonso on Pexels

As the name suggests, this pose will aid in removing gas from your stomach and intestines. It also relaxes your anus, buttocks, and abdomen, along with giving digestion comfort. It will reduce the pain that comes with hemorrhoids and the stress on the rectum and anal canal veins.

  • Lay down on your back with your arms at your sides.
  • Slowly bend your legs and bring your knees towards your chest. Alternatively, you can only bend one leg and keep the other straight.
  • Get them as close as possible, so a slight pressure is built on the abdomen area.
  • Wrap your arms around your legs and interlock your fingers. You can also try to hold the opposite elbows for a deeper pose.
  • Lift your back slightly and keep your breath steady.
  • Hold this position for 1 minute.
  • If you have only performed this pose with one leg, repeat the pose with the other leg.

Garland Pose (Malasana)

If your hemorrhoid symptoms are mild, you can practice this squatting pose. It is extremely beneficial in stimulating your digestive system and opening your groin. This will prevent constipation and other issues with your digestive system. It also stretches your hips, buttocks, and spine.

  • Stand straight with your legs spread shoulder-width apart.
  • Keep your back straight, feet firmly planted to the ground, and your toes pointing sideways.
  • Start lowering down by bending your knees and going on a full squat. Make sure that you are not leaning forward. 
  • When you have completely reached the squatting posture, bring your hands in front of your chest in Anjali Mudra.
  • Stay in this pose for at least 1 minute and then slowly rest your buttocks on the floor and stretch your legs out.

Root Lock Pose (Mulabandhasana)

The root lock, also known as Mula bandha in Sanskrit, is present at the base of the spine. It is performed as a vinyasa in the fourth series of Ashtanga Yoga. This intermediate pose stimulates the digestive system, strengthens the pelvis and spine, stretches the muscles around the anus, and opens the hips. 

By practicing the root lock pose, you are essentially activating the root lock to promote energy flow to the rectum. This may be helpful for people with piles.

Here is how to practice the root lock yoga pose for hemorrhoids:

  • Sit in a Vajrasana. Make sure you are sitting on your heels and your soles are facing upwards.
  • Slowly and gently start spreading your knees apart on the sides.
  • Stretch them as far as you can without experiencing any sharp pain.
  • Place your hands on your knees in chin/Gyan mudra.
  • Expand and contract your pelvic muscles in time with your breathing. Contract while inhaling and release while exhaling.
  • Stay in this pose for 5 minutes and gently return to the Vajrayana.

Deep Breathing Exercise

Photo by Vlada Karpovich on Unsplash

Deep belly breaths help with healthy bowel movements, releasing stress from the pelvic floor muscles and avoiding strain on your anus. It will also allow your mind and body to relax and will massage your abdominal organs.

  • Sit in a Vajrasana or Sukhasana with your hands in gyan mudra. You can perform any mudra of your choice or place them, palm upwards, on your thighs.
  • Breathe steadily for a few minutes and bring awareness to your rhythm. 
  • Now, inhale deeply into your abdomen on the next breath. Allow your belly to expand. 
  • Exhale and bring your navel towards your spine.
  • Perform this exercise for 5 minutes.

Ashwini Mudra (Horse Gesture)

While yoga mudra is often linked with hand gestures, this is one mudra that does not involve using your hands. In Ashwini mudra, you are contracting and releasing your anal muscles. It helps trap the prana energy and send it upwards through the Sushumna Nadi.

This mudra is extremely easy to perform, and it increases the colon's health. Additionally, it helps with constipation, making the large intestine walls firmer, curing diseases related to the rectum and anus, toning the muscles and nerves around the anal sphincter, and improving blood circulation.

The unique characteristic of this mudra is that you can practice it while performing any yoga asana. To do Ashwini mudra yoga pose for hemorrhoids:

  • Either sit in a comfortable position or lie down.
  • Relax and bring awareness to the rhythm of your breathing.
  • Contract the anal muscles and hold for 5 seconds on the next inhale. Now exhale and release the muscles. 
  • Breathe normally for 10 seconds and repeat the process.
  • Practice it for as long as you are comfortable.


Piles can be extremely painful if left untreated properly. If you notice blood in your stools, you should take appropriate precautions and consult a doctor. However, if you keep performing the above yoga practices, you may successfully keep the symptoms away and cure mild cases of hemorrhoids.

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