Blood group table and compatibility chart for marriage

Last Updated Sep 12, 2024

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mix of blood

it is important to discuss blood type compatibility among couples because couples with incompatible blood types cannot donate or receive blood from each other during emergency situations.

The blood group table or compatibility chart for marriage, as shown later in the article, helps couples understand blood type compatibilities and know if their blood types match for transfusion purposes.

However, having a partner with a matching blood type should not be a criterion for a happy marriage, nevertheless, it can be quite handy in emergency cases where blood transfusion is required.

Because of this, it is important couples or potential couples understand the different blood groups and see if they are a matching for cases that may require a blood transfusion.

In developing and underdeveloped countries, for instance, it may not be easy to access blood banks or get a matching blood type right away, and further delay can be fatal. To save time, it is good that you memorize your blood types as you remember your names.  

Quick facts about blood group types

The ABO blood group system divides blood types into 4 as listed below:

  1. Blood type A
  2. Blood type B
  3. Blood type AB
  4. Blood type O

However, the rhesus factor blood group system further divides it into 8 (A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-, O+ and O-), depending on the absence (RhD-negative) or presence (RhD-positive) of the RhD antigen.

With that said, here are some facts to know about blood group types:

  • The average adult has about 5 liters of blood; however, women tend to have a lower blood volume than men.
  • About 89-95% of blood donors worldwide are reportedly RhD-positive.
  • The most common blood group in Nigeria is blood group O, while blood group AB is the rarest blood group in Nigeria.
  • AB- is the rarest blood type in the U.S.
  • Blood type O is known as “universal blood donor” because people with the other three blood types can receive blood type O.
  • Blood type AB is known as “universal blood recipient” because people with this blood type can also receive blood from the other three blood types.
  • ABO and rhesus factor are not the only blood group systems; the international society of blood transfusion recognizes about 43 blood group systems.
  • The Nigerian National Blood Transfusion Service has 17 blood donation centers across the 6 geo-political zones.

Nigeria needs about 1.8 million units of blood every year, but the National Blood Transfusion Service receives only about 66 units yearly. You can save a life today if you donate your blood

Blood group table for marriage

Below is pictorial blood group matching table that show compatible and incompatible blood group types.

Blood group compatibility chart

Explanations for the blood type table and compatibility chart

Below are textual explanations to the blood type compatibilty table and compatibility chart shown above:

  • A person with blood type A can only receive blood from a spouse with blood type A or O and can only donate to a spouse with blood type A or AB
  • A person with blood type B can only receive blood from a spouse with blood type B or O and can only donate to a spouse with blood type B or AB
  • A person with blood type AB can receive blood from a spouse with blood type A, B, AB, or O and can only donate to blood type AB
  • A person with blood O can only receive blood from a spouse with blood type O and can donate to blood types A, B, AB, and O

More importantly, Rh-positive people can receive blood from both Rh-positive and Rh-negative people. But, people that are Rh-negative can only receive from Rh-negative blood types.

So, to be able to donate blood to your partner, you two must have matching blood types. 

Distribution of different blood types

Different cross-sectional studies have been conducted to ascertain the prevalence of the different blood group types. 

A 2017 study that studied ABO blood group distribution in Ethiopia found that majority of the participants had blood type O (41.20%), followed by blood type A (34.96%), Blood type B (20.48%), and lastly, blood type AB (3.34%).

Similarly, the Stamford School of Medicine reported the distribution of blood types among adults:

  • 35.7% of the adult population have blood type A+
  • 6.3% of the adult population have blood type A-
  • 8.5% of the adult population have blood type B+
  • 1.5% of the adult population have the blood type B-
  • 3.4% of the adult population have blood type AB+
  • 0.6% of the adult population have blood type AB-
  • 37.4% of the adult population have blood type O+
  • 6.6% of the adult population have blood type O-

How blood type compatibility can affect babies

Blood group types can also affect marriages when it comes to pregnancy because when an RhD-negative mother and an RhD-positive father give birth to an RhD-positive baby that inherited the RhD antigen from the father, it can cause complications. 

This is because red blood cells from the RhD-positive baby can cross over to the mother’s bloodstream through the placenta and trigger immune system reactions in which the mother’s immune system forms antibodies against the RhD antigen from the baby.

The first baby will not be affected, but in subsequent pregnancies or babies that are RhD-positive, the already-formed antibodies will attack the baby's red blood cells. This can lead to hemolytic anemia, jaundice, and liver failure.  

Wrapping up

Studying the blood group matching table for marriage helps you know if your blood type matches your spouse's blood type. 

However, incompatible blood types shouldn’t be a huge deal breaker as many couples live through their lifetimes without experiencing emergency health issues that may require a blood transfusion. 

If your blood group is not compatible with your spouse’s and you are concerned about who to donate blood to you or your spouse in emergency cases, this strategy may work: you can ask close friends and relatives about their blood groups so you know which of them has a matching blood type that can be reached out to in emergency cases.