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Foods that help you get and sustain stronger erections

Last Updated Dec 20, 2024

Some medications used to treat erectile dysfunction have been associated with side effects, which is why many people also seek natural ways to maintain and achieve an erection. Aside from medications, there are foods, vitamins, and supplements that can help improve erectile dysfunction.

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Key takeaways:

  • Studies have shown that diet plays a significant role in human health. Food can help reduce the risk of developing certain diseases and can help improve medical conditions like erectile dysfunction.
  • Watermelon, oysters, and nuts are foods that can help you stay erect. These foods can help with weight management, provide abundant nutrients, and are good for penile health.
  • Erectile dysfunction, which is the inability to get and keep the erection needed for a sexual erection, is common among people with penises. However, this condition can be treated clinically using medications and natural home remedies like food.

Medical conditions like erectile dysfunction (ED) can affect a person's ability to get erect. Physical, mental, or emotional factors can contribute to ED, leading to symptoms like diminished sexual desire and weak morning erections.

There are different treatment options for erectile dysfunction, including the use of medications like Viagra. However, lifestyle and dietary changes can also help improve the condition, making your erections last longer.

Foods that help your penis stay erect can also positively impact your general health because of their nutrients. So, you are not just eating to maintain erections but also for better health.

Foods that can help improve erectile dysfunction by helping your penis stay erect for longer include:

1. Watermelon

Watermelon is a healthy food that can help with erections. A study found that after consuming watermelon for four weeks, participant's body weight and blood pressure were reduced. Also, their blood lipid profile and antioxidant status were improved. This study indicates that watermelon consumption can help with weight management.

Obesity leads to different health conditions, like heart disease and erectile dysfunction. Controlling your weight will go a long way toward improving erectile dysfunction.

2. Coffee

A study found that coffee may improve the function of penile arteries.

Coffee is a major source of polyphenols (an organic compound found in plants) and tends to increase the body's testosterone levels.

Coffee can also initiate different pharmacologic reactions that cause the muscles around the penis to relax and increase blood flow to your penile arteries.

Insufficient blood flow to the penis is one of the physical causes of erectile dysfunction. So, taking some coffee might help reduce the symptoms of erectile dysfunction.

3. Oyster

Eating enough oysters can help you stay erect. Some schools of thought classify oysters as aphrodisiacs (aphrodisiacs are any food or drug that arouses the sexual instinct). Dried oyster meat has vitamins and minerals, making it an ideal meal for almost anyone.

Oyster extracts are good for men's reproductive health and endurance. Rich in the amino acid taurine, they are also helpful in cardiac health and nerve transmission.

Oyster meat contains flavonoids, which help stimulate the reproductive system.

4. Nuts

Taking nuts may help prevent or reduce cardiovascular disease risk factors. Cardiovascular (heart) diseases contribute to the onset of erectile dysfunction.

Some nuts, like almonds, hazelnuts, and walnuts, contain high amounts of vegetable protein and unsaturated fatty acids. Eating them may help you stay erect.

Nuts also contain antioxidants and vitamins like niacin, folic acid, and vitamin B6, as well as minerals. These nutrients help keep away some chronic diseases that lead to erectile dysfunction and its underlying health conditions.

Walnuts contain arginine, making them a great source of amino acids. Amino acids like arginine help the body make nitric oxide, while nitric oxide helps to maintain erection and can also be found in many medications for erectile dysfunction. Nitric oxide initiates penile erection.

5. Chocolate

Eating chocolates may help you stay erect because flavonoids are abundant in chocolate. Flavonoids are plant nutrients that help lower blood pressure and increase blood flow.

Chocolates also contribute to the production of nitric oxide in the body. Nitric oxide maintains erections and can be found in many medications used to treat erectile dysfunction.

6. Garlic

Garlic has been used to promote health in significant ways. Studies indicate that it can help prevent or reduce the risk of cardiovascular and metabolic disorders, cancer, blood pressure, and diabetes due to its anti-inflammatory and lipid-lowering properties.

Some of these disease conditions contribute to the onset of erectile dysfunction. Preventing them by eating garlic and other healthy diets might help prevent erectile dysfunction.

7. Juice

Juices like grape and pomegranate contain some nutrients that help increase nitric oxide in the body.

Since nitric oxide can be found in many medications used to treat erectile dysfunction, it also makes sense to obtain it from natural sources like fruit juice.

8. Green vegetables

Vegetables are a great source of vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids that can help improve your overall health and prevent many disease conditions. Since vegetables can boost the immune system, this suggests that they may protect against erectile dysfunction.

Taking enough vegetables can help you stay healthy and, in turn, prevent you from developing certain health conditions that can cause erectile dysfunction.

9. Fish

Fish are sources of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are often limited in our diets, with the major sources being plants and fish.

Omega-3 fatty acids help improve cardiovascular disease, lipid profiles, diabetes mellitus, and other inflammatory diseases. These diseases contribute to the onset of erectile dysfunction.

They help boost nitric oxide in your body. They also help to lower blood clots and blood pressure.

10. Olive Oil

Consumption of olive oil, together with rich whole grains, vegetables, legumes, and nuts, may help reduce erectile dysfunction.

Olive oil contains monosaturated fat that helps keep bad cholesterol away from your body. This helps you maintain a healthy lifestyle and protects your heart and blood vessels. This makes for the free flow of blood to all parts of the body, including the penis.

How diet helps with erectile dysfunction

Consuming healthy meals can reduce the risk of developing conditions that cause ED, such as obesity and cardiovascular disease.

Different studies have shown that when we eat food, the foods provide the building blocks needed to power the tissues, systems, and organs of the body, including the penis.

For instance, L-arginine, an amino acid found in foods like oatmeal, can help treat erectile dysfunction and boost testosterone levels, a recent 2019 study indicated.

Sticking with dietary patterns that are rich in whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and less ultra-processed foods will help improve health outcomes for many medical conditions, including ED.

Wrap up

Eating healthily should be part of your lifestyle because it reduces your risk of developing some diseases.

Taking the healthy foods mentioned in this article may help you stay erect, improving your erectile dysfunction. They will also help with your overall fitness and well-being.

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